Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Cumberland Blues

Falls-Corbin, KY
Originally uploaded by susanelectro
If it's good it must end so they say. So it was for my break from academics and responsibility. For our final primavera break, my wife and I decided to venture to Kentucky to visit my uncle in Southeastern Kentucky. I've been going there my entire life, so it feels strangely familiar when I'm there. It's like entering some other dimension where I live somewhere else. It really is quite relaxing to be somewhere else without the anxiety that is typically synonymous with travel.

One of my favorite spots in the area is Cumberland Falls. Unless my past knowledge deceives me, Corbin Kentucky's largest water fall happens to be the second largest water fall in America, only second to Niagara. Of course, can we really consider something touching Canada to be truly American? I guess so, but in no way does some big giant round-shaped water fall thing make the simple majesty of Cumberland Falls and less...Majestic! If you are ever in the area please do pay the falls a visit. Kentucky is not just for Hillbillies any more. I'm looking at you Calipari!

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