So, I'm out taking pictures in Mansfield, just looking for something interesting and an older lady comes up to me and says, "Is there anywhere in this town to get something to eat that doesn't serve alcohol?", and I say "No". So, she then points towards me and asks "if that thing is on". I think she's talking about my headphones, which I have pulled out to talk, and respond, "Yeah, but it's ok". She apparently thinks my SLR is a video camera and looks quite disturbed. At this point, I get this
Twilight Zone feeling and want badly to get away from her. She then looks me square in the eyes, her face scowls, and she barks slowly and in a very deliberate fashinon, "It's not right to go around taking pictures of people!"
I just stood there for a second, taken aback, and then turned around and got away from her. I don't know what it was, but something about this woman was terrifying. Now I just wish I would have actually gotten her photograph! If she was going to be mad at me anyway I might as well have gotten the shot.